December 12, 2023 - Annual Holiday Event
Toy Drive Benefiting Ronald McDonald House Inland Empire

November 14, 2023 - D. Matthew Gale, Esq. & Leigh Finch, Esq.
"The First 90 Days"

October 10, 2023 - Dr. Stacy Reger
"Psychiatric Claims and Stress"

September 12, 2023 - Brandon Homan, Esq., Kaitlin Homan, Esq., & Daniel Ajeigbe, Esq.
"Psychiatric Injuries"

August 8, 2023 - Scott M. Tilly, Esq.
"Cases to Write Home About" - 2023 Case Law Update

July 11, 2023 -
June 13, 2023 - Carrie O'Connor, Esq.
Answers and Affirmative Defenses: How They Can Offer Posterior Protection

May 9, 2023 - Annual All-Day Seminar
"Run for the Roses with Claims!"
• "Impairment and the AMAGuides" - Leslie Dilbeck
• "Key Triggers for Costly Employment Law Litigation in Workers' Comp. Cases" - John Floyd, Esq. & Bernardette O'Brien, Esq.
• "AnxietyDisorders and Workers'Comp" - Dr. Stacy Reger
• "Non-Submit Medicare Set-Aside A Dubious Gamble for Applicant and Defense" - Scott Rubel, Esq.
• "Minimizing Your Exposure Under SB1127" - Dr. Tyrone Spears & Mr. Alex Rossi

APRIL 11, 2023 - Mr. Robert Grethel, Esq.
"Non-COVID Presumptions Under the CA Workers' Compensation Act"

March 14, 2023 - Ms. Nidra Kumaradas & Mr. Reshan Cooray
The Claim and the Risk or the Risk and the Claim!

FEBRUARY 14, 2023 - Dr. Ron Heredia
Understanding Psych Reports and Cross-Examing Psych Doctors

JANUARY 10, 2023 - Ms. Rachel Shaw
ADA/FEHA Disability Compliance: "Don't Get Stuck in the WC, ADA, FEHA Triangle"